Green Field Development – Moving into a new market area? We help our customer develop the new site so they can assess the market before investing into a new plant!
Supplemental Crushing – Do your product demands exceed your production capability? Let us help you meet your customer’s needs!
Plant on Reserves – Have a large plant sitting on your precious remaining reserves? We can help you access those reserves, while maintaining your production and using a smaller foot print!
Construction – Are you a contractor bidding a large scale construction job? Utilise Dover Demolition’s portable on-site crushing expertise to make sure your project is a success!
Abandoned Sites – Re-open your quarry, without a major capital investment, to establish and maintain your market share
Developmental Crushing – We assist in crushing of over-burden to turn it into a usable product.
Old Plant and Limited Capital? – We can help you reduce your financial risk and dispose of your old plant equipment
Removing Overburden – Helping you remove overburden as economically as possible.